History is repeating itself, this time on Israeli soil, and Claude Lanzmann's words are sorely missed, but his work is still there, at UNESCO's Memory of the World. Now more than ever, we need to bring Shoah, and in particular the extracts selected by Claude Lanzmann and Jean-François Forges, to the attention of young people in secondary schools, in order to develop their humanity and conscience, in all 195 UNESCO countries. Only works of art can do this, like Shoah. It's a long-term project that we're embarking on.
In the meantime, the major retrospective initiated by Arnaud Hée at Beaubourg's BPI will be absorbing us for the next six weeks. Come one, come all to Beaubourg, and immerse yourself in Claude Lanzmann's work, which is so relevant today; each of Claude Lanzmann's films will be shown three times, every evening except Tuesday, and every Wednesday afternoon, Saturday afternoon and Sunday from Saturday November 4, until December 18.
Full program: https: //agenda.bpi.fr/cycle/claude-lanzmann-cinema/