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January 24, 2024

LE MOMENT LANZMANN, Shoah évènement originaire - Published January 27, 2024

The Lanzmann Moment. What does this moment correspond to? A double "irruption", in the lives of millions of people around the world, of what Lanzmann refers to as the original event: Shoah, the film. At once, that of a word of enigmatic brevity, imposed without prior definition: a door opening onto multiple paths that compel us to discover with the author the immensity of the catastrophe, and that of a literary masterpiece as well as a cinematographic one, now inscribed on Unesco's Memory of the World Register.

The greatness of Shoah lies in the fact that it overcame the impossibility of depicting mass murder in Nazi extermination camps without gunshots or violent images.

Although television broadcasts of Shoah in France have brought millions of people together in front of the screen, the destruction of Europe's Jews remains a foreign fact, incomprehensible and still more or less obscured by a large part of humanity.

In this sense, the Shoah generates a fracture, reiterated atrociously in the genocidal attack of October 7, 2023. The authors gathered here give a lucid account of the extreme vulnerability of our civilization.

Le Moment Lanzmann inaugurates the eponymous collection, which will deal with subjects related to Claude Lanzmann's work, such as crimes against humanity, the rise of hatred against Jews, etc. The collection will be edited by Dominique Lanzmann and Jean-Jacques Moscovitz and published by David Reinharcitz. The collection will be edited by Dominique Lanzmann and Jean-Jacques Moscovitz for David Reinharc.